Board of Directors

The APAI Board of Directors is the ultimate governing body of the trade association and represents the interests of the dues-paying membership. The Board meets five times each year to discuss the goals and vision of the association and asphalt industry. 

2025 Board of Directors

Executive Committee

President: Scott Stine, Rieth-Riley Construction

Vice President: Kevin Kruckeberg, E & B Paving

Secretary/Treasurer: Mark Nagle, Milestone Contractors

Past President: Margi Brooks, Brooks Construction

Producer Contractor Member Representatives
Dave Kozyra, Milestone Contractors
Jim Padgett, Milestone Contractors
Rob Rood, Milestone Contractors
Chad Hubert, JH Rudolph
Nathaniel Ryan, E&B Paving
Chad Hartwick, E&B Paving
Sean Rizer, Howard Companies
Dan Foreman, Rieth-Riley Construction
Eric Engleking, Rieth-Riley Construction
Sam Knight, Gaunt & Son
Jeff Austin, Brooks Construction
Kurt Brandstatter, Central Paving

Voting Past President (two years removed)
Steve Varner, E & B Paving

Binder Supplier Member Representative
Dave Rassel, Asphalt Materials

Laydown Contractor Member Representative
Craig Knies, Calcar Paving


APAI Past Presidents


APAI Past Executive Directors